Welcome to The School of Montessori

Admissions Open for Academic Year 2024-25

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The Montessori Method

"Character formation cannot be taught. It comes from experience and not from explanation." Maria Montessori.
Montessori is a unique method of education designed to take advantage of the sensitive period for learning between the ages of 3 to 6 when they can absorb information easily from an enriched environment.

According to Dr. Maria Montessori the goal of early childhood education should be to create a child’s curiosity, a love for knowledge and a strong desire to learn. The Montessori classroom provides the environment and materials that the child needs for his/her personal development, which allows them the freedom to choose their activities according to their own personal interests and readiness in a non-competitive environment.

The habits and skills, which the child obtains here, are good for a lifetime. They will help them work more efficiently, to observe more carefully, and to concentrate more effectively throughout their life.

Montessori Principles
• Freedom of choice with responsibility
• Foster independence and self motivation
• Development of character and positive self image
• Sensitive periods of learning
• Instructive materials
• Respect for all life and diversity