Elementary Community

The Montessori Elementary Program exposes the child to the mysteries of the universe; they explore how things started, where everything began and find answers to the many questions curating in their minds. The program keeps in mind the second plane child (6 to 12 years) and their needs, such as, developing imagination, intellectual mind, need to work in groups and so on. The curriculum also supports their transition from concrete to abstract thinking.

Elementary in Montessori is based on Cosmic Education, which simply means to give the world to the child and let them explore. It is an individually paced curriculum that challenges children academically; they learn to question, think critically, and take responsibility for their own learning.  

Areas of Development

The curriculum is divided into the following parts:
- Language
- Mathematics
- Geometry
- History
- Geography
- Biology
- Music
- Physical education
- Art and creativity


08:45 am to 03:00 pm

6 to 12 years